Super Streamer Lobby Logo

The community event featuring over 700 players battling it out in one TETR.IO match.

15 Games

  • Exclusive Gimmick Game Modes
  • Streamers and viewers totalling

700+ Players


Join early for warm up games! (No prizes, just for fun!)
The main event consists of 15 gimmick games with each game lasting 3-8 minutes. Gimmick games are a staple of Super Streamer Lobbies, in which we show off exclusive custom game modes made just for the event. They are absurd and silly to maximize laughs and clippable moments.
Come watch the host stream on [wyliecanttwitch]( after the event, where we showcase some clips and highlights from the streamers, along with interviewing some community members and the Super Streamer Lobby Team. Finally, we end by rewarding some participating streamers with custom art, emotes, and assets!
During the main event, have your chance at winning gifted subs and memberships for yourself and streamers covering the event! The winner of every streamer lobby will receive the limited Super Streamer Lobby badge on their TETR.IO profile, and also the "SSL Victor" Role in the [Super Streamer Lobby discord server!](

300+ Streamers Involved

herma_etc mochimousu triposo34 dreaxkom dayyyyyvid slber_ daistreaming KallMeSt4r osw920 zhungamer clemont213 gila_tet fortissim2 saltedbread awkventurer xnsy RaczQ bananapeel5500_ beribug crane_carnes dlcruuuz kaitbxlle NicoKittenFox rakurai_uk RCM442 reabs TJ_Farseer CManunlimited b05s_d0ritoz Tech_Bot_ Kew_Dee AsimImmortus iwillmineyoface angelonlinevtuber Boriecut DeepBlueTerra coopsworth faffery Ciabuns barbequejo hiyumiNAO TetrisAlexT akidawho boms28 bravebiird Brisalinaa butternutboii clodak__ CorrinCampbell dantalksnonsense devini15 elanistv Fermi16_ forthepride furamango hinnier iki_dp itsalviiin itzdaggerkiss jubeeliu KikiCryalot Mino Mieko MonseHot_ nitsua_ms nk_charlotte okamivictoria PainDesu Peebo PiaPiUFO Rimaeri ryanruger Semisuu senniursa simplyjvl ssenstar tec4eme thechesstina Tokkimisu vladpetcu98 w___i___d___e 시아미즈 actualmontaigne antvenom comfyest Fragnaticc GappyV ihatedev rudj_ Atroic LulunaRina NicoNicoNii shinsie 4voltsbattery amm3rs AngelicRobot galaxybiscuit_ harddrop J4mi5on JaydenPPT Johang727 kim16 Kitaru knighting KolorRen tanarusasamiya thelastextremegamer Parrot Dash spaceashes sayamimiyasa sexyzebra4 willyjwillyj wonderslime zer0x64 Lemuze FlowerCrynal dekk_cl esorceress ehrand0mguy garvidge RobainCopain24 Bluechocowitz dubstep298 anberdoodle icanhasdorito takathedinosaur tetsumia alkalineXTw pasnic twfoxcrack MorenazaDeFuegoo Sketchyartsyv Ezra Andromyda Ch. Zalozz tsukiyou_apie cubci dark_shadow6000 cadorcadogan AshleyArcade Treacheryyy_ perfectlyCaptured bugcatcher2222 GagaValkyrie salinaVT ev0lve_fyre snowyryoshi teegkayy 68kheart Tizago yeelaine_ firedox532 amestrawberries hju99 polyphoniaTV notmotcha thmyblu takarrataki spacebubbi RoyalQueenHope Shoe245 chocobokami almahexblade Meowiyoru Ghostly_Ribbon MazdPotato PixelsToPaper Kirby703 riskivr Kerikng PokeDialga meiashes Lottie Shinju Raki Kazuki BerroFronzo winterra__ Jon851 Jdkrx birdimus demixelz Senpai1337 hontnog amyhmlam cosyreii cmdingo Psylaris NickyTea k0ld_pi Ellazhu Mewk ChihayaHoshino Luminarex_ Rklplol O2cake bunny_074 / 邦妮_ Simp_Shrimp 拉拉甜心 kalliflamel Waterdud apheawoo crono derbsterber evanesant fitsiiii fufu_yu huythekiller KirbyGamer64 asashiowo gotron88 the_big_combo bloodymireu azurahorizons bluescuti pensil0206 Markao3000 Fryxie SweetMelodii teskacz SmasherMagazine Jermy145 SketchedPurple rahmations sarahtetris WeeWooRaiju gabe_louis rosamrenova Haavardaw ZepLanderVT Lockxish bennxt junerl_ edgete futon_penguin hampitch IceFireEmily JonnyBoy (Jasper) lobetox StarlitOath Tetrium yida__ / 輸呆呆 zudo reversal mityan811 Lillie daliciouss PixelAtc bigcheese ping7731 HazcoFox K4rmaDotEXE Manwithaplanet nissilevt laser_los working atomicspoonie auroraxd b0atwater bboywinston gmbtexe himetokki JWOK_ kummahndough Lucibubz ManakaRei Mochisharvey modest_tomato MoosePK nudeewut PenbuVT puffawuffs Raiinwing spehssemprah tenktenks vougz Yuyabi karterfreak trangquility supernooba Tirumisa cloudburstvt Spectra Libitina Doremy EtchaxSketch sillyvale Solar_Cerberus levhanni BlairBears65 Lenflaire cade_pe red_lyra beautybanger mylifeisacircle EliaStellaria Sionara21 milan9135 jethazard95 mikenekomybeloved Tetri95 andrew4043 xino_z_ multiply_vt Mitsu_at elsomoose xmotley cirnochan01 spacepillow_ pwolter0 ana1eedlelisa Lexdyskia cowbowsp CheezWhiz IwanamiLure Question Markos super302 Scrobotasaurus milkthos_sena Violeta Adrietts newtneut Misty_FT tstorm281 ManOfTheOreo eneli_kun Mae7H Purin Kokoa alixplay_23 Mari__712 tristop 娜娜姐 Jhinta RikaYamanoVT VinceHD Yui32Satomi fyrf0x ThatStojGuy WylieCantTwitch ZhuniExcel_NS ElectricSerg_ RadicalCup 菇_ jey_vt Promooooooo BrandonTheGr8 minusGavin blaargmallcop lokkinkiyo firestorm58 imortal_mafia BasilVT VanceVanCreed doigt MarceCatfish VaniVtuber Vilhelm Vanderboss marmarpits LaTriUwU turkishdelightxoxo rickfernello koziichu Twirl Xiulan Long nirmo nikkirei Wumbotize Echo Lyne Poko Rakun JonathanGD milimivt Bun_mii theeFATmermaid aybleach RoraATF KiwiOnTheSticks suyoari xrazoc Kayros_LoneWolf lilybell_vt PolymerTech 딴비딴비 sayyakuu lolotus RikoKumae kyokubear DrTotoHex Gaming with Mim S.S. Isa Zarigueyaa darthkittieousthewise KipCintamani Seth_Emmanuel mysticsriver erobb221 madlyinvincible

Custom Assets

The event also features original Background Music and Graphics created by several talented community members! And of course, shoutouts to many wonderful streamers in the TETR.IO chat!
